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Day No. 171
Day No. 147

Aquarius is the zodiac sign of Lord Shiva.
Aquarius is traditionally ruled by Saturn.
The planet Saturn in this cosmic drama represents Yahweh.
One of the foundational Christian doctrines is that Jesus is God.
He is the Jehovah/YHWH/Yahweh described in Exodus 3.
Saturn, which in the fullest form is “Horus bull of the sky”.
Saturn is a sign of union of Heaven and Earth made possible through Son of God, Jesus Christ.
Saturn, in ancient mythology, was known as the Reaper. He carried a sickle with him, and harvested the earth. He was also known as the “Grim Reaper.”
Saturn is always shown with a sickle.
Saturn is the Messianic planet. It pictures Christ the Messiah.
It also represent Holy Spirit - the symbol of the anointing by the holy fire...
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