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- d/ Clean Water and Sanitation
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- d/ Life Below Water
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- d/ No Poverty
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- d/ Quality Education
- d/ Reduced Inequality
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- d/ Zero Hunger
Eradicating poverty through education.
Global Social Business Competition 2013
Pauli Pehkonen, Kimmo Lahtinen, Mikko Mielonen, Tuomo Pehkonen

Microfinance has received a lot of criticism towards how it has lost its way and how in fact it can easily drive the poor into even more troubles than they already face. Basically, this is where we want to step in.
When Pauli Pehkonen was doing microfinance volunteer work in Kenya in Kisii region’s villages at the end of 2012, he became aware of the problems that exist among microfinance groups and individual business owners – mainly farmers. Pauli received a lot of responsibility during his volunteer period, which made him clearly understand the needs of the locals. As the first microfinance worker in the main village and with no microfinance organization present, he engaged in field study for two weeks. He realized that one of the biggest issues among the locals, in addition to lack of capital of course, was the lack of information. More precisely, Pauli realized that there exist two essential problems. The first is the use of micro loans in an unsustainable way, which many times results in severe financial problems for the individuals. The second issue is the understanding of the accounting side of the groups and individuals. Especially bookkeeping is essential to have at least on a very simple level for every business despite their size.
After discovering the existing problems, Pauli initiated during his volunteering a project called Bookkeeping Project, which aims at teaching the local microfinance groups and individual entrepreneurs mainly about sustainable business and accounting. Due to the short time he had in Kenya, he was only able to plant his seeds but has an idea how to continue the improvement of the conditions in the region through education – as well as how to expand the social business outside of Kenya.
To conclude, we want to participate in the eradication of poverty through education while simultaneously enhancing the creation of jobs at the Bottom of the Pyramid. The two main problems we will tackle are:
- Understanding of sustainable use of micro loans
- Knowledge of accounting: mainly bookkeeping and enterprise planning
Our direct competition is basically organizations that send volunteers abroad, and more precisely to do business and microfinance related work. One of our main competitors we consider to be the international non-profit organization Aiesec, which has programs to send students abroad for volunteering.
Our indirect competition includes organizationg like Unicef that engage in arrangement of volunteering. However, many of these organizations can in fact be complementary to our business.
To conclude, as SBS concentrates on sending mainly business students to abroad, we do not believe to face fierce competition.
The main differentiating factor in our project is the level of individuality and independence during volunteering. We can provide the volunteers with a unique experience that most of our competitors cannot match. From day one the student has to face real challenges and responsibility. The circumstance our ambassadors face, forces a concrete usage of real-life knowledge. The students are unattended and in most scenarios by themself which provides them with a remarkable opportunity to teach and learn tangible skills usable in many business-related areas of expertise later in their respective careers. Furthermore, the lack of any organizational supervision tenders the liberty to express and gain individuality that will enhance future corporational endeavors. During the first years of university-level business education, chances to practice the taught skills in concrete scenarios come around infrequently. Through our program inexperienced students can early on attain real-life experience on how the theory can be put in practice.
The vast major of our competitors have a fixed schedule that forces students to arrange their timetable according to the organizational terms. We however provide extremely flexible volunteering periods, which take volunteers’ preference into consideration. You can decide for yourself when and for how long you actually want to commit to the program. We have a clear vision on what we are set out to do. Seeking a multitude of personalities and ways of teaching is characteristic to the program. Bringing out the facts through different personal approaches will definitely be more effective than just giving out paper sheets filled with information to the locals. We provide the material and general guidance on what you should discuss and what has already been taught. The rest is up to you!
We try to eliminate all excessive effort so that the departure will be as smooth and swift as possible. There are no external or hidden costs in our program. Through funding, we seek to provide the volunteers with a relatively affordable journey.
Because of the clear focus to the business education, the intensity of the program is beyond rewarding. It is an education equally gratifying both to the locals and the volunteer. Through this education the welfare and economy will substantially improve. The microfinancing aspect can be considered a specialty of ours and in its complexity it will eventually simplify and improve the economical interaction of the locals. Improving lives of others combined with the satisfaction of teaching, our program is more than an experience, it is a unique learning possibility!