- d/ Affordable and Clean Energy
- d/ Clean Water and Sanitation
- d/ Climate Action
- d/ Decent Work and Economic Growth
- d/ Gender Equality
- d/ Good Health and Well-being
- d/ Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
- d/ Life Below Water
- d/ Life on Land
- d/ No Poverty
- d/ Partnerships to achieve the Goal
- d/ Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
- d/ Quality Education
- d/ Reduced Inequality
- d/ Responsible Consumption and Production
- d/ Sustainable Cities and Communities
- d/ Zero Hunger
Eradicating poverty through education.
Global Social Business Competition 2013
Ana Sabau, Mihaela Roman, Gabriela Borea

When talking about a country’s value, the education is one of the first issues which pop up in one’s mind. The quality of education the children get is as important as the number of children that have access to knowledge and proper help when doing their homework.
Too many children worldwide do not have the privilege to attend courses because they have to stay home and help their families in order to have food on the table. The rate of children dropping out of school because they do not understand enough during classes and are maybe too shy to ask questions is 1.5% and those who graduate school is only 89.1% in 2010/2011 in Romania. Also, most parents do not have time to help the children with their homework, because they work late or have two jobs, or do not have the money to send their children to afterschool programs.
What these children need is an additional education system, meaning to help them ask questions and get them answered by tutors or other qualified personnel. This new system is meant to aid them finish school or get a new certificate in order to find a good job later. Also, a new certificate is very important to adults, who do not have a lot of spare time to cultivate their passion or to learn a new skill. This can become very useful in the unfortunate case of getting fired.
Teaching children and adults alike and helping them get a proper education can help a country evolve and have a brighter future.
When looking at the competitive environment in which our business operates, we could not find any similar personalized platforms which offer a database and directly connect individual tutors for various disciplines to people willing to learn. Thus, we could argue that PasionForAll is a quite unique project on the market, especially when also taking into consideration how our for-profit part is connected to the social part of our platform.
However, there are several online platforms offering free courses and tutorials in various formats. Some of the most popular such websites are:
- Khan Academy - not-for-profit with the goal to provide free world-class education to everyone. The course materials offered consist of videos, papers and interactive exercises. It also features progress tracking and virtual rewards to motivate students.
- OpenCourseWare Consortium - the biggest source of online freely available college level educational materials. It offers downloadable courses from universities in over 45 countries in formats such as syllabi, course notes, handouts, video lectures, presentations, as well as evaluation tools.
- Coursera - for profit organization founded by Stanford professors which comprises free video courses from top universities worldwide, including assignments and active evaluation methods and may offer certificates upon completion.
- The Open Learning Initiative - provides high quality open courses with continuous feedback. They include all sorts of media (readings, video lectures, exercises, assessments) designed to collect real time data on the student and their progress for better course design.
While the materials offered on these platforms are very valuable and of superior academic quality, the areas of learning are rather restrictive, mostly focusing on academic subjects (Maths, Economics, Biology, IT etc.) and less or not at all on practical subjects, such as the ones offered on PassionForAll. In addition, none of these platforms offer direct, real time interaction between the teachers and students, being conceived as mass learning tools.
Our competition also includes any kind of online medium which offers tutorials (video or readings) on any subject, such as Youtube, forums, personal blogs etc.
We differentiate ourselves through the unique offer- the possibility for users, children and adults, to customize their learning experience in terms of content, structure and most importantly- location and time. The application will offer children also the opportunity to have one on one sessions where they can get quality help with their academics.
Adults will have the possibility to develop their passion/interest in the convenience of their own environment, without having to spend time on commuting, moving from one place to another or wasting time in traffic. Furthermore, they will be able to choose the topic of their class from a list, but in the same time they will be able to indicate a certain personal interest and we will actively seek a teacher.
Moreover, an important added value is conferred by the real time, one on one interaction between the users and tutors, which makes the learning experience even more complete and valuable. Therefore, our platform combines the convenience of online learning with the personal experience given by direct, real time communication with someone who is knowledgeable in the area of interest